
From the Nurse... Mrs. Marcia Panciera, R.N.

Phone:  860.429.9391 press 3 or use ext. 2300

E-mail:  [email protected]

Student Absences:

June 27, 2012 The Connecticut State Board of Education adopted new definitions for excused and unexecused absences.  The definitions are in effect and have a slight impact on student absences in Willington Public Schools.

Previously, a parent/guardian could call the school to report their child absent and satisfy the requirements for an excused absence.  However, under the adopted statutes, a call from a parent/guardian will be accepted for an excused absence for only the first nine occurrences.  For the tenth and all subsequent absences due to illness, a note from the doctor is required for the absence to be considered excused. 
Click here and you will find the Connecticut State Board of Education's definitions of excused and unexcused absences.

Flu season is around the corner, and with the shortage of flu vaccines, we should all think of ways to help ourselves stay healthy and hopefully reduce our risks of getting the flu and/or other virus' that are out there waiting to infect us!

If you want to find more information about the flu, please check out the CDC web site:

According to the National Center for Disease Control (CDC)," the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to clean our hands." That makes a lot of sense, and sounds easy to do---but the problem arises when not everyone follows this advice. Do you? Hmm...think about your day, what you do, and how often you wash your hands.

When should we all wash our hands?

The CDC gives us the following guidelines for proper hand washing times: 

  • After using the bathroom.
  • Before eating.
  • Before, during, and after preparing food.
  • After handling animals or animal waste.
  • Whenever hands are dirty.
  • Frequently when you, or someone with whom you come in contact, is sick.

In addition to good hand washing, there are a few other common sense things we can do to stay healthy. Get a good night sleep, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, exercise and enjoy fresh air, and if you do cough, cover your mouth.

Happy Healthy Flu Season to all of you, and keep your hands clean!!!!!

Does your child have health insurance?

Connecticut's HUSKY Plan offers low-cost or free health care.

If you would like to participate in Connecticut's HUSKY Plan, please click herefor more information or visit


State of Connecticut Department of Education - Health Assessment Record  (Blue Form)

Medication Authorization Administration Form

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) / Motrin (Ibuprofen) & OTC Permission Form

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